Book Covers

Book Covers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Promises (from My Journal My Journey)

He promised that she
would never have to worry.
That he would be her clarity
when her vision became blurry.
...and even though
she could stand on her own 2
He carried her imagination over thresholds
and found the spot her thoughts ran to.

She promised to take him
through her universe last night.
So he started his journey
exploring the lights in her twilight.
...and even though
his footsteps were not the first
He planted his flag on her moons surface,
and blew kisses through her shirt.

He promised to protect her
with chest out and broad shoulders.
She stroked his ego,
called him her King and her Soldier.
...and even though
they both have past lovers.
They let the past be just that.
and handed the world to each other.